Virtual Ride   

Ride Your Own Way

Man riding on bike with thumbs up

Pedal for a cure, Anywhere in Canada!

If you're unable to attend the ride in person or prefer charting your unique course, join us in the Virtual GearUp4CF Bike Ride. Embrace the freedom to ride wherever and however far you desire while raising funds within your own community! By registering for the virtual ride, you'll create a personalized fundraising page, with the proceeds contributing to GearUp4CF. Gain access to the same powerful fundraising tools as any on-site participant.

Whether you're a part of the live event or forging your solo journey, your dedication plays a crucial role in advancing Cystic Fibrosis Canada's mission to end CF through targeted research, advocacy, and compassionate care.

Rider Registration & Fundraising Minimum:

Rider registration fee: $55.00 - Participants have a fundraising minimum of $1,000.

Please note: if the fundraising minimum of $1,000 is not met before June 21 the rider will be charged the remaining amount.

Examples of riding virtually:

  1. Weekly Riding Challenge: Join the challenge to ride 80km throughout June by cycling 20km each week. Participants can track their progress and contribute towards the fundraising goal at their own pace.
  2. Simultaneous Ride: Ride 100km in your local area on June 21, coinciding with the in-person one-day ride. While the main event happens in a specific location, participants across various provinces can pedal in solidarity from their own neighborhoods.
  3. Family Weekend Ride: Gather your family and hit the trails for a weekend ride covering 15km together. This option encourages family bonding while supporting a meaningful cause.

Quotes from past Virtual Riders:

Why I Ride: Penny Pederson

Group of riders standing on a grass field in their jerseys.

"I am now training to ride in my 11th Gearup4CF event, 100 kilometres of cycling to raise money for a cause that is dear to my heart. In 1991, my husband George and I were thrilled to welcome our first grandchild into the family. Lisa and Walter were the proud parents of Joanie who always made everyone smile because she was so engaging. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis about 4 months later as was her sister, Ali, who was born in 1993. Since the discovery of the gene which causes CF was made, great strides have occurred in its treatment and the life expectancy of CF patients has increased enormously. Unfortunately, not enough progress had occurred to save Joanie and she died from complications of the condition at the age of 12…a devastating event for our family and for all who knew this delightful young person. As the sign on a memorial bench at her elementary school says “Life was much more fun when Joanie was around.” Ali had been fortunate to receive a double lung transplant almost 10 years ago and is now the loving wife to Martin and a very proud Mama to little Maeva.

The funds raised from Gearup4CF are invested in research and I strongly believe that this research will eventually lead to a meaningful cure for CF. In the meantime, much of the research has contributed to much longer and healthier lives for those living with CF. I ride in memory of Joanie and in support of Ali and all others affected by this life-threatening condition which affects so many families. I hope you will visit the Gearup4CF website and make a donation today."

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